Yoga has finally made it into the mainstream and recent studies have
shown that the ancient practice has the capacity to help modern day
ailments, improving both health and well-being. Real estate developer
David Kushner stays fit and healthy with regular yoga practice, gaining
the many benefits of this gentle exercise.
Sleep Better
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 50-70 million
Americans regularly experience difficulty falling asleep. Yoga can help.
The stretches practiced in yoga relax muscles, while the breathing
techniques help prepare the body for sleep by slowing the heart rate.
The meditative aspects of yoga can help the mind wind down, a mental
preparation for a good night’s sleep.
Improved Balance
who practice yoga are regularly challenging their balance, as balance
poses are an integral part of the discipline. With many Americans
spending much of their time sitting in cars or in desks while working,
not much of our time is spent in positions that stimulate the sense of
balance. Balance is especially important as we grow older, as many
people suffer falls win older age.
Yoga Builds Brain Power
poses, breathing and meditation involved in yoga all help to sharpen
the mind and focus attention, ultimately helping the brain to operate
more efficiently. A study at the University of Illinois found that those
who participated in a 20-minute yoga session experienced better mental
clarity than they did after a jog or a fast walk.
David Kushner is co-founder and principal of Paradigm Capital Group.