David Kushner - Turning Into a Professional Photographer

David Kushner is an avid photographer who likes to create mementos wherever he goes. Being an expert photographer doesn’t always mean pursuing a career in photography. There are great photographers out there who do this as a hobby, despite the fact that they are good enough (or sometimes more than good) to potentially earn a living. But when does someone know that their hobby has likely turned into something more, something that can bring them financial success?

David Kushner Having Quality Equipment and Understanding It Thoroughly 

The quality of the equipment you have will largely determine the quality of your photos. Owning a high-tech camera is not enough, however, as you also have to know it really well. If that combination is there, you are very likely capable of doing professional work and delivering high quality photos.

Understanding That Photographing Is More Than Taking Pictures

A professional photographer will only use a small portion of their time for actually taking pictures and this is especially true when you are just starting out. The vast majority of your time will be spent on dealing with potential clients (finding them and communicating with them, writing the contracts), and photo editing. As the technology advances, you can do more and more with the available software solutions, which are a big part of today’s photography.

You Already Have a Portfolio 

If you don’t have a portfolio, chances are you’re not ready to become a photographer. Conversely, if you have a quality portfolio like David Kushner you likely already possess the necessary experience to make it in this profession.

Sources:  http://digital-photography-school.com/how-to-know-you-are-ready-to-become-a-professional-photographer/
